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The Building Commission has released a consultation paper seeking public comment on a proposal relating to the carrying out of basic plumbing repair work in remote Aboriginal communities that do not have ready access to a licensed plumbing contractor or tradesperson.

The geographical location of many remote Aboriginal communities creates barriers to the performance of basic plumbing maintenance in a timely manner. Key among these are the distance from the nearest licensed plumber and access at certain times of the year, particularly during the wet season.

These barriers mean that minor issues with a plumbing system, such as a blocked toilet or broken tapware, may create high risks of infection and disease due to the length of time they remain unresolved.

Advice from members of remote communities, and from those who provide services to remote communities, along with information collected during inspections carried out by compliance officers from the Plumbers Licensing Board, has identified a number of instances where poor plumbing maintenance has created a health risk in remote Aboriginal communities.

The Building Commission, in consultation with the Department of Aboriginal Affairs, the Department of Health and the Department of Housing, has therefore developed the attached consultation paper canvassing views on a range of options aimed at resolving this issue.

Any comments you may have on the proposals outlined in the consultation paper are warmly invited and will assist the government in finalising its policy position on this important matter. Details of how to submit your comment are given in the consultation paper.   The closing date for the receipt of comment is Friday 17 April 2015.

Building and Energy
Department News
25 Feb 2015

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